Borittar "bo" Cheng


Borittar "Bo" Cheng

Borittar "Bo" Cheng, an energetic, full-of-life, loveable-young-man whose contagious smile and roaring laughter could make any rainy day turn into sunshine, has passed on at the age of 27 on October 28, 2018. Bo was diagnosed with idiopathic ischemic cardiomyopathy since 2015. In the months leading to his death, he was visiting his cardiologist and care team routinely to treat his advanced stage heart failure. However, if you came across Bo, you would never have guessed he was ill. His closest family and friends felt his pain and shared his medical journey during this unpredictable time of his life.

He is survived by his mother, siblings, loving nieces and nephews, an enormous number of homies and his comforting family dog, Bonus.

To know him was to love him.

Fonte: Seattle Times

Publicado em: 03-11-2018