Angela Sheakley


Angela SheakleyAge 91, of San Mateo, passed away peacefully on the morning of Saturday, December 29, 2018. She is survived by her three sons, Clark A. Sheakley (Naam), John A. Sheakley, Anthony E. Sheakley (Denise), and beloved grandchildren Molly Edwards and Luke Sheakley.
Born in St. Louis, MO on October 16 1927, the daughter of John Perricone and Jeanie Di Rosa from Sicily. She and her husband of 59 years, Edward A. Sheakley, were married in 1952 and moved to Burlingame, CA a year later.
"Be a Pillar of Pleasantry" A motto she lived by. Angela is fondly remembered for her compassion, thoughtfulness, and humor.
It is her wish to be returned to her birthplace and laid at rest with her parents and siblings at Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis, MO.

Fonte: San Francisco Gate

Publicado em: 07-01-2019