Carlos Thomas D'silva


Mr. Carlos Thomas D'Silva of Goa India, born on July 5, 1940 in Rangoon, Burma, passed away at age 78 on July 5, 2018. He came to the United States in 1980. During his career he worked for Amerifirst, General Development, and Kislak Mortgage. In his retirement years he worked at Follet Bookstores. He is survived by his loving wife Effie; sons, Savio and Lester; daughter, Sandra; grandchild, Annika; daughter in-law, Sherlene; brother, Raul; sisters, Satira, Olga, and Hilda. The viewing will be held on Monday, July 9 from 6-10 p.m. at Graceland Funeral Homes, 3434 W. Flagler St., Miami, Fl, 33135. The Funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday, July 10th at 9 a.m., at St. Michael's Catholic Church (chapel in the rear of the church), 2987 West Flagler Street, Miami, Fl 33135.

Fonte: The Miami Herald

Publicado em: 08-07-2018