Bill Houston


Bill C. Houston of Germantown, Tennessee passed away on Friday, June 22, 2018 at Germantown Methodist Hospital. He was born November 4, 1938 in Rector, Arkansas, later moving to McCrory, Arkansas. A graduate of the University of Arkansas, Mr. Houston also studied at the Stonier Graduate School of Banking and Harvard University. He held a distinguished career with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, beginning as a bank examiner and progressing to the position of Mid-South Regional Director. After retiring from the FDIC, Bill was appointed as Tennessee State Commissioner of Financial Institutions. Bill was an active volunteer during his retirement, aiding children and elderly alike. Additionally, he was a member of the Kiwanis Club and active congregant of Germantown Presbyterian Church. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, Curtis and Genora Houston of McCrory and his brother Charlie Houston. He is survived by his wife Macie McNabb Houston, daughters Meredith Shipman of Leesburg, and Jill Helou of Warrenton, and son Adam Houston of McLean, their spouses and ten adoring grandchildren. He is also survived by his stepdaughter, Medley McNabb Ewan, husband and two children of Germantown. Memorial service will be held in Germantown, TN. Donations in his memory can be made to MPN Research Foundation.

Fonte: The Washington Post

Publicado em: 29-06-2018