Alan David Brown


March 6, 1937 - March 25, 2018 After a 2-year battle with cancer, Alan Brown passed away in Seattle on March 25, 2018, surrounded by family. Alan was born in Chicago, but moved to LA with the parents and sister in 1940. Alan graduated Fairfax H.S. in 1954. Alan went on to UCLA, and ultimately USC School of Pharmacy. Alan became a successful pharmacist, and business owner, until he retired in 2017, after over 50 years as a licensed pharmacist. He married Jane Francis Ruby in 1961, and they raised 2 sons. As a father, he taught his sons to love fearlessly, laugh hard, and always be positive. As a grandfather, he was always invested in the welfare of his grandsons, and never missed a moment to support their goals, or celebrate their accomplishments. As a friend, he never missed an opportunity to remind us all that life is all about the little moments. He always took time to check in. He loved travel, and he valued sharing his adventures with his family and friends. He was a magical soul, who was devoted to Judaism and God, and had a remarkable love for all of the people in his life, and he provided support and mentorship to many. Alan is survived by his ex-wife, his sons Steven and Michael, and his grandchildren: Nicholas, Alexander, Benjamin, Jonathan, and Maziar.

Fonte: Los Angeles Times

Publicado em: 05-05-2018