Andre Krayewski


Andre Krayewski Mass is on Wednesday World-famous artist Andre Krayewski (Andrzej Krajewski) of Newark, N.J., passed away Tuesday, April 10, 2018, after 84 years of life and hundreds of posters, paintings, and pages of comics and prose. Visitation will be at Preston Funeral Home, South Orange, N.J., on Tuesday. The Funeral Mass will be on Wednesday. For service information and the complete obituary, visit Predeceased by his wife, Yagoda (Jadwiga), Mr. Krayewski is survived by a daughter in Poland, Natalia; two American sons, Kayetan and Ed; daughter-in-law, Richara; two grand-daughters, Maria and Jadwiga, and countless friends and ex-lovers.

Fonte: Newark Star Ledger

Publicado em: 15-04-2018