Clayton Mills


Clayton Wiles Mills
Clayton Wiles Mills was born in Archer, Florida, on April 9, 1935, the third child (of four) of Byron Mills and Juanita Wiles Mills. Dad was a warm, friendly person who loved to help other people. He was always ready to help out, and always ready with a funny comment and a smile. Dad passed away in his sleep on November 23, 2019, at the age of 84. His family will miss him more than we can say. In his last few years, he struggled with Alzheimer's disease, but that did not affect his sense of humor, or his appreciation for his family. He lit up whenever he saw us.
For 53 years, Dad was married to Joanne Little Mills, who he met in Gainesville, Florida. They were married in 1961 in Gainesville, and they had three boys – Clayton Jr, John, and Bruce.
Besides his boys and his grandkids, dad's family includes his older brother Byron Mills, and his sisters Carolyn Rion and Noel McGriff, and their children and grandchildren.
We will all get together to remember our dad, brother, and friend on Friday, December 6rd, at 1:00 PM, at Chapelwood United Methodist Church, at 11140 Greenbay Rd (Chapel), Houston TX, 77024.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to Chapelwood United Methodist Church (address above) and designate the donation to The Gathering Place Ministry in honor of Clayton W. Mills.

Source: Houston Chronicle

Published on: 05-12-2019